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The integration of foreign workers in the labour market : nationality-, gender- and regionspecific differences


"Over the years foreign workers have performed - and continue to perform - a variety of different functions in the German labour market. Those recruited in the 1960s and early '70s were brought to Germany to plug gaps in certain areas of manufacturing. In general the level of skills and qualifications they brought with them was low. Immigrants from other industrial nations are a different case: they come to western Germany as experts in their field and find employment an the upper echelons of the labour market. Analysis of three ideal-typical labour markets (Frankfurt, the Ruhr and Stuttgart) for two groups of foreign employees reveals that while a number of factors affecting the employment of foreigners are closely bound up with structural aspects of the general economic environment, others are not. As far as the integration of foreign workers in the labour market is concerned, it is not only nationality- and gender-specific differences which need to be taken into account, but also regional differences." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Bender, S. & Seifert, W. (2001): Arbeitsmarktintegration bei ausländischen Arbeitskräften. Nationalitäten- , geschlechts- und regionalspezifische Unterschiede. In: Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung, Hannover (Hrsg.) (2001): Internationale Wanderungen und räumliche Integration : Fachkolloquium der Sektion "Bevölkerung, Siedlungs- und Infrastruktur" (Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung. Arbeitsmaterial, 277), p. 51-66.