The difficult path to a new occupation : problem areas in occupational rehabilitation and some suggested solutions
"The relatively high rates of premature termination of occupational rehabilitation measures con-stitute, especially in times of scarce funds, a reason to consider ways of increasing efficiency in occupational rehabilitation. In this article the high drop-out rates in measures of occupational rehabilitation are taken as an opportunity to search for typical problem areas and difficulties in the process of occupational rehabilitation. On the basis of this some reflections are made on increasing efficiency in occupational rehabilitation, which have been put into practice since 1996 in seminars held at the Ravensburg employment office. These seminars concern the Ravensburg rehabilitation model, a differentiated, group-orientated counselling and care model for occupational rehabilitation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Cite article
Fessler, U. (1997): Der schwierige Weg zum neuen Beruf. Problembereiche in der beruflichen Rehabilitation und einige Lösungsvorschläge. In: Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Vol. 30, No. 2, p. 356-373.