Problems in the evaluation research of pilot projects in occupational rehabilitation based on the example of the implementation of in-company retraining of women close to their place of residence
"The testing of innovative concepts in occupational rehabilitation in the form of pilot projects has a special status in view of scarce financial resources and pressing problems. It can be assumed that the development of pilot projects in occupational rehabilitation and the conditions of the implementation help to shape the success of the project decisively. Analyses of destination and effect do not take into account the run-up to the pilot projects, which is examined in implementation research. These questions as to how a pilot project comes about, as to the political starting conditions in the discussions between administrative bodies and the people affected and as to the aims and the effects to be expected are discussed based on the example of the pilot project 'occupational rehabilitation of women close to their place of residence', which has been implemented in Sachsen-Anhalt, Hessen and Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland since the end of 1996 in the form of an extended in-company rehabilitation through retraining for women. Here theoretical implications for evaluation research as process research are examined and above all methodical problems in obtaining information for the evaluation of retraining measures for people taking part in rehabilitation programmes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Cite article
Niehaus, M. (1997): Probleme der Evaluationsforschung von Modellprojekten in der beruflichen Rehabilitation am Beispiel der Implementation wohnortnaher betrieblicher Umschulungen von Frauen. In: Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Vol. 30, No. 2, p. 291-304.