Training programmes for workers of all ages : a strategy for integrating older workers within firms
"The demographic changes in working life, which will have a stronger impact in the future, as well as the present difficulties of employing older employees requires a comprehensive strategy for integrating this group of employees. Atraining policy which attempts to counteract the current mechanisms which selectively filter out older employees from participation in further training, because they are seen as training risks, is seen to be an integral part of this strategy and should be supported. This paper focuses on the long-term orientation necessary for this. It argues for training programmes for workers of all ages, with the objective of designing training processes in such a fashion that training risks typical of certain age groups can be overcome, so that older workers of tomorrow can do justice to the skills which will be demanded of them in the future. Two central areas of action are observed - the design of work organisation and working time - as well as the two original fields of training - on-the-job training and further occupational training. The development of long term strategies is expanded by suggestions for short-term measures, which should help to increase the job security of the current problem groups amongst the older workers through suitable in-house and external training measures. Well-directed means of support designed specifically for this age group are needed here." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
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Barkholdt, C., Frerichs, F. & Naegele, G. (1995): Altersübergreifende Qualifizierung. Eine Strategie zur betrieblichen Integration älterer Arbeitnehmer. In: Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Vol. 28, No. 3, p. 425-436.