The employment situation of participants in further vocational training financed under the Employment Promotion Act
"Of the German participants in full-time further vocational training supported under the Employment Promotion Act who had completed their further vocational training in the third quar-ter of 1993, 50.7% in the old Federal states and 43.1% in the new Federal states (i.e. the states of the former GDR) were in employment covered by the social security system on 31.3.1994 (i.e. on average 7 1 /2 months later). 31.1% in the old Federal states and 44.6% in the new states were drawing unemployment benefit or unemployment assistance. The results are based on a special study on the basis of the participation and employment statistics of the Federal Employment Services. There are considerable divergences from this total average value according to the new and old Federal states and according to the Employment Service Regions, according to full-time and part-time training measures, according to women and men, according to the type of training measure and the individual characteristics of the participants. The full-time training measures of refresher training and retraining, which make up the lion's share of further vocational training with regard to both the actual figures and the amount of financial investment, were subjected to a more detailed - also multivariate - statistical analysis. The results are discussed in connection with the peculiarities of further vocational training which is sponsored under the Employment Promotion Act." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
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Blaschke, D. & Nagel, E. (1995): Beschäftigungssituation von Teilnehmern an AFG-finanzierter beruflicher Weiterbildung. In: Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Vol. 28, No. 2, p. 195-213.