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Waiting for the bus


"This paper is primarily concerned with youths without any formal qualification or diploma; who left school at a relatively young age. ... The central question is: what are the effects of two years of schooling compared to those of two years of labour market experience on the labour market position of school leavers. In other words: is it worthwile to stay in school somewhat longer in order to get a job. To answer this question a logit-analysis will be presented in which features as duration of education, gender, region, type of education and social background are analyzed together. This central question is mainly concerned with the educational effects on the labour market position of youths. Another issue in this paper is the position of very early school leavers in the course of time: has the labour market position of these early school leavers changed during the first three years since they left school? One could say that this question is more concerned with the labour market effects on the position of school leavers."<br> The used data are based on a longitudinal school career research of the Central Bureau of Statistics started in 1977. The sample consists of 37.280 pupils. The school leavers of the cohort are interviewed twice: one time about one year after leaving school (1981) and another time about three years after leaving school (1983). (IAB2) ((en))

Cite article

Meesters, M. (1985): Waiting for the bus. Unqualified school leavers on the labour market in the Netherlands. In: Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Nürnberg (Hrsg.) (1985): Berufliche Verbleibsforschung in der Diskussion : Materialien eines Forschungsseminars im IAB. Materialband 1: Schulabgänger aus dem Sekundarbereich I beim Übergang in Ausbildung und Beruf (Beiträge zur Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, 90.1), p. 233-253.