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The longer, the less? On the connection between the duration of receiving benefits under ALG II (means-tested unemployment benefit) and the material living circumstances of those concerned


"When situations of a restricted standard of living are studied from the perspective of time, the focus usually lies on entry into or exit from such living conditions. In particular this relates to periods of income poverty, or to the drawing of social benefits according to assessed needs. On the other hand, what has been less well examined is the connection between the duration of time that a person draws benefits and the material living circumstances he or she finds him-/herself in. We argue that this has above all methodical reasons because the income of the households of persons drawing benefits that is normally used as an indicator of the material living standard is for the most part determined by institutional regulations and is therefore not suitable for corresponding analyses. However by using an alternative measure such as the deprivation index, it should be possible to ascertain concomitant differences in the living standard of households of recipients in accordance to the duration of drawing benefits. In actual fact we were indeed able to show that, while the households of male and female benefit recipients who had been receiving benefits according to Book II of the Social Code (SGB II) do not have a lower income, they on the other hand reveal a higher level of material deprivation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku)

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Christoph, B. & Lietzmann, T. (2013): Je länger, je weniger? Zum Zusammenhang zwischen der Dauer des ALG-II-Leistungsbezugs und den materiellen Lebensbedingungen der Betroffenen. In: Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, Vol. 59, No. 2, p. 167-196. DOI:10.1515/zsr-2013-0202