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Documentary ways of working - documentary work


"Shifting documentary evidence or, to put express it in a broader sense, shifting documentary processes into the focus of the way work is represented does not seem at all far-fetched from a historical perspective, if the demand of paying attention to the topic of 'work' corresponds in certain phases with productions that by way of facts want to lay a strong accent on a 'true representation of reality'. The relevant context is the assumption of the particular urgency of socio-political conflicts and concerns which provoke an orientation towards 'empirical reality'. Here two matters need to be emphasised: the already mentioned genuine connection between documentary evidence and the so-called 'reality' as well as the artistic concentration on that which in itself forms and represents its own reality. Based on the great political, social and economic conflicts, their effects on the labour markets and the increasing concentration of work within the framework of occupational activities, a corresponding study of what has been produced by contemporary artists in the areas of literature/theatre, films and photography would seem worthwhile." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku)

Cite article

Brogi, S. & Hartosch, K. (2013): Dokumentarische(s) Arbeiten - Arbeit dokumentarisch. In: S. Brogi, C. Freier, U. Freier-Otten & K. Hartosch (Hrsg.) (2013): Repräsentationen von Arbeit : transdisziplinäre Analysen und künstlerische Produktionen (Gesellschaft der Unterschiede, 11), p. 449-475.