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Labour market policy


"Because of the strong drop in unemployment and an impressive increase in employment, the extensive labour market reforms within the framework of Agenda 2010 were doubtless a success. At the same time, however, the developments on the labour market also displayed serious down-sides. For a considerable number of employees, the quality of employment is unsatisfactory: while they may have escaped from unemployment, they are badly paid and in insecure working relationships with limited perspectives. As regards the size of the low-wage sector, Germany is one of the frontrunners in Europe. This has led to the call for regulation getting louder. However, the answer to the pressing questions of the future cannot simply consist of turning the clock back. What are necessary are new, intelligent forms of regulation along with flexible institutions that raise the quality of employment without endangering the successes that have been achieved on the labour market." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku)

Cite article

Möller, J. (2013): Arbeitsmarktpolitik. In: G. Steingart & B. Rürup (Hrsg.) (2013): Agenda 2020 : was jetzt zu tun ist, p. 55-64.