AES and NEPS side-by-side in relation to research on further training : an excursion
"The National Educational Panel Survey: NEPS (Nationale Bildungspanel) has been running since 2009. Although the Adult Education Survey (AES) and the NEPS both deal with questions of education policy, the two surveys have different aims. The AES is an instrument for the observance of the scope and structure of participation in further training as regards cross-sections and trends. In addition to this it is used - as a part of European statistics - for international comparison. The aim of the NEPS is to gather data about educational processes, educational returns and the acquisition of competences in the course of a person's life, simultaneously tracing the course of education and the person's working life as well as recording relevant contextual information. In view of the differing goals, the following paper examines whether there are nevertheless points of overlap between the two surveys. To do this, the way in which samples are arranged and central tenors of the questioning are presented in a first step. This is followed by a summing up of the results within the framework of a synopsis." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku)
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Hartmann, J., Eisermann, M., Gensicke, M. & Janik, F. (2013): Das Nebeneinander von AES und NEPS im Hinblick auf Weiterbildungsforschung. Exkurs. In: F. Bilger, D. Gnahs, J. Hartmann & H. Kuper (Hrsg.) (2013): Weiterbildungsverhalten in Deutschland : Resultate des Adult Education Survey 2012, p. 343-350.