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Between aspirations of activation and promotion of employment : the disjointedness of current social policy reflected in the varying strategies for implementing Section 16e of Book II of the Social Code (SGB II) (Job perspectives)


"This paper presents the results of an investigation by the Institute for Employment Research of North Rhine-Westphalia on the implementation of Section16e of Book II of the Social Code (SGB II) which is also known as the JobPerspektive (job perspective) or employment subsidy (BEZ). This section of the Social Code aims at establishing permanent employment support for the previously long-term unemployed. Among other things, the aim of this investigation was to present and describe the differences in the implementation of the law by the corporate actors of the institutions providing SGB II. For this purpose interviews were conducted at all levels of the hierarchy, from managers to case managers, and were evaluated in a qualitative manner. The law marks an interface between labour market and social policy and, in the different ways in which it is implemented, reflects the general public debate that can be summed up briefly with the following question: Is activation the better kind of social policy? The focus of the paper lies above all on the recent developments that appear interesting in general for the course of social policy from the diagnostic perspective of time. In the meantime, namely, the law has been worn down by the control instances that were actually intended to mediate between the legislation and implementation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku)

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Bauer, F., Franzmann, M., Fuchs, P. & Jung, M. (2012): Zwischen Aktivierungsanspruch und Beschäftigungsförderung. Die Zerrissenheit gegenwärtiger Sozialpolitik im Spiegel variierender Strategien der Umsetzung von § 16e SGB II (JobPerspektive). In: H.- G. Soeffner (Hrsg.) (2012): Transnationale Vergesellschaftungen, p. 1-7.