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Poverty dynamics and the labour market : Incurrence, perpetuation and the overcoming of the dependency of those capable of work


"This research report provides empirical findings based on the first two of four waves of the qualitative panel study 'Poverty dynamics and the labour market'. In addition to basic information about the methodological design the report presents findings concerning the following issues: biographical implications of receiving unemployment benefits according to German Social Security Code II (which in combination with work-related activation is at the core of the welfare reform of 2005, known as 'Hartz IV'), perceptions and experiences of welfare recipients, their living conditions and development of employability as well as the formation and progression of precarious employment biographies. Those findings show that everyday life of our interviewees is characterized by an unexpectedly high degree of mobility and flexibility. The various activities of the interviewees, in part initiated by themselves, contradict the partially still prevailing public perception of recipients of unemployment benefits as objects to welfarization. Rather the findings show that achieving a sustainable integration into the labour force is one of the main objectives of their biographical orientations. However, the activities of the individuals aimed at achieving a non-precarious work-situation failed more often than not, if a resignated or fatalistic perspective had not already emerged in the first place. Nevertheless, precarious forms of employment were able to provide short-term improvements." (Authors' abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Hirseland, A. & Ramos Lobato, P. (2010): Armutsdynamik und Arbeitsmarkt. Entstehung, Verfestigung und Überwindung von Hilfebedürftigkeit bei Erwerbsfähigen. (IAB-Forschungsbericht 03/2010), Nürnberg, 41 p.


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