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The Conversion of fixed-term into permanent contracts in the context of personal policies of firms


"The study contributes to the debate on the erosion of standard employment relationships. Based on the IAB-Establishment Panel we investigate under which conditions firms convert fixedterm contracts into permanent ones. On the one hand fixed-term contracts help to maintain an adequate relationship between stability and flexibility. In this case, conversion is less probable. On the other hand fixed-term contracts are used in the context of recruiting. In this case, the bargaining position between the contracting parties plays a major rote. In firms with problems in hiring qualified employees, conversions are more probable. In the - mainly public and nonprofit - social service establishments fixed-term contracts are predominantly used to maintain flexibility. High proportions of fixed-term contracts are accompanied by low conversion rates. In the production sector fixed-term employees are rather used as a recruiting Instrument. In general, the results indicate that international competition is not directly responsible for the rise of fixed-term contracts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Hohendanner, C. & Gerner, H. (2010): Die Übernahme befristet Beschäftigter im Kontext betrieblicher Personalpolitik. In: Soziale Welt, Vol. 61, No. 1, p. 27-50. DOI:10.5771/0038-6073-2010-1-27