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The Change of the Employment Society


Three aspects of change in the employment society in Germany are described: 1. The trend towards the service economy: Because of an increasing demand for services, the tertiary sector steadily gains importance. 2. The structure of employed people is changing from conventional employment relations towards atypical forms of employment such as temporary work, marginal employment, part-time work, and "One-Euro Jobs". Among these, part-time work is the most common form of employment. 3. Demand for qualified labour is rising. As a consequence, unskilled and semi-skilled workers' chances on the labour market are worsening. In spite of the trend towards high-qualified labour, in various branches of the economy, simple work is still very important. With respect to unemployment insurance and the statutory pension scheme, and with respect to continued education and training, atypically employed people constitute a problematic group. (IAB)

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Bellmann, L. & Janik, F. (2009): Wandel der Erwerbsgesellschaft. In: G. Cramer, W. Wittwer & H. Schmidt (Hrsg.) (2009): Ausbilder-Handbuch : 110. Erg.-Lfg., Kapitel, p. 1-16.