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Between "Hartz IV" and subsidized employment : positioning and the experience of participation in the reformed social state


This publication investigates the question of the extent to which the new institutional positioning of those in need of support and the resulting practical application have an effect on the way these persons experience participation or exclusion. "In order to render the thesis of such a (new-)positioning plausible, the publication begins by sketching the systematic theory and logic of the reform of Basic Income Support (1). Against this background, the next section deals with the participation restrictions that resulted from this along with possible risks of exclusion for the long-term unemployed, which were intended to be counteracted by the employment subsidy (Section 16e of the Social Code (SGB II)) introduced in 2007 (2). The third section then presents the empirical findings of a qualitative study on the chances and deficits of participation, which go hand in hand with various forms of 'Förderns und Forderns' (encouragement plus obligations). These raise the question of an adequate design of social and labour market policy that is both reciprocal and will ensure participation. One of the main conditions for this is a design that forestalls stigmatisation processes, especially at the level of the subjectively experienced status of the benefit recipient (3). To do this - so the bottom line - a conceptual design is necessary that adheres less to a philosophy of mistrust but rather allows the benefit recipient more 'moral credit' and aligns measures accordingly (4)." (IAB2)

Cite article

Hirseland, A. & Ramos Lobato, P. (2012): Zwischen "Hartz IV" und geförderter Beschäftigung. Positionierung und Teilhabeerleben im reformierten Sozialstaat. In: M. Bereswill, C. Figlestahler, L. Y. Haller, M. Perels & F. Zahradnik (Hrsg.) (2012): Wechselverhältnisse im Wohlfahrtstaat : Dynamiken gesellschaftlicher Justierungsprozesse, p. 273-291.