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The Development and Significance of Human Cognition and Consequences for Modern Social Science : General Considerations and a Case-Analytic Explication


"In the light of mechanisms and sequences of cultural development, on the one hand, and the historically variable processes of 'de-culturisation' and socialisation in the context of the respective individual ontogenesis, on the other hand, it becomes apparent that the content and effects of social institutions and the potentials of action of individuals can only be captured within the horizon of their socio-culturally constituent mechanisms and relations of meanings. Therein it has to be acknowledged that both historical and cultural semantics and the basal structures of insight and communication are subject to change - not in the form of a linear development, but in a complex process of changing constellations. This basic epistemological insight and its consequences are first discussed theoretically and then illustrated by analysis of particular cases. The latter purpose is served by the project 'Poverty dynamics and the labour market', a research project on social legislation coordinated by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) in Nuremberg. The cultural conditionality of the impact of welfare state institutions can be exemplified by the autobiographic account of a recipient of Unemployment Benefit II (ALG II), as reported in the context of this project. In addition, some of the possible breaches that current concepts of labour market and social policy in practise suffer from are revealed. The consequence of the case-analytic considerations is highly relevant with respect to methodology: Typical abstract economic modelling of effective preferences, rationalities and calculus by themselves do in fact not allow drawing conclusions about what forms of action, on the basis of what forms of insight, come into being as social practise. To explore the mechanisms in effect and the resulting multifaceted logics of action, what is rather needed - in the sense of a 'cultural economics' - is a systematic empirical reconstruction of the genesis and structure of patterns of interpretation and action, in the context of economic action and institutions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku)

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Wenzel, U. (2009): Entstehung und Bedeutung menschlicher Kognition und die Konsequenzen für eine moderne Sozialwissenschaft. Generelle Überlegungen und eine fallanalytische Explikation. In: N. Goldschmidt & H. G. Nutzinger (Hrsg.) (2009): Vom homo oeconomicus zum homo culturalis : Handlung und Verhalten in der Ökonomie (Kulturelle Ökonomik, 08), p. 125-156.