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Regional temporary work: Surprisingly dynamic in Hamburg and Ulm


"From the regional perspective, the importance and structure of temporary work varies considerably. Several factors are responsible for the dynamic development and spatial distribution of temporary work. Firstly, an important role is played by the size of the sales and labour market in question. This is what above all conurbations like Hamburg profit from. The town offers temporary work agencies a large local sales and labour market, that is, proximity to a great many potential businesses who are seeking temporary workers and also to a large pool of possible workers. Along with this, the regional economic structure is reflected in the importance of temporary work. The specialisation in the manufacturing trade in the areas surrounding Hamburg, but also in the Ulm region, favours the increase in the number of workers supplied. At the same time, precisely in the service sector metropolis of Hamburg, temporary workers are increasingly also being provided for the service sector. For Ulm on the other hand the very positive transport connections appear to be an important factor as these lead to an increased demand for temporary workers in the fields of storage and logistic activities. In addition, individual large-scale employers, for whom the use of temporary workers is a fixed feature of personnel policy, influence regional demand structure. And, last but not least, the temporary sector also profits from the generally high dynamic characteristics of the said regions. In this the surrounding areas of Ulm are also significant, as they are increasingly relying on personnel from temporary work companies in the agency district of Ulm." (Authors' abstract, IAB-Doku)

Cite article

Buch, T., Groll, F. & Niebuhr, A. (2008): Zeitarbeit regional: Überraschend dynamisch in Hamburg und Ulm. In: IAB-Forum No. 1, p. 52-57.


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