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The Hartz IV Reform: Occasional Employment in the ┐Network of Agents┐ : Findings from Practise


As a part of the introduction of the Social Code II (SGB II), the instruments of publicly promoted employment were changed. Since the reform came into effect, the realm of employment measures is dominated by so-called employment occasions (also 'One-Euro Jobs'). The article summarizes the findings from a cooperative study by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) with the Institute of Sociology, University of Erlangen, which investigated the contexts and consequences of the introduction of employment occasions. Subjects of the investigation were the handling of the instrument by the responsible authorities and organisations involved and the emergence of regional operation patterns and practices, as well as the importance of the form of institutionalisation, regarding the SGB II authorities in charge. Functions and consequences of employment occasions in establishments utilising the instrument were analysed. The results show considerable regional and local differences in the coming-about and utilisation of employment occasions. Therein, the integration of recipients of unemployment benefit II (ALG II) into the first labour market is not always the primary objective. Altogether, the study leads to the conclusion that employment occasions have assumed a function of social integration by employment for people who, in spite of intensive promotion and strong incentives, have little chances on the labour market in a long-term perspective. (IAB)

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Klemm, M., Sowa, F., Hohendanner, C. & Promberger, M. (2009): Hartz-IV-Reform: Arbeitsgelegenheiten im 'Netz der Akteure'. Befunde aus der Praxis. In: Neue Praxis No. 1, p. 67-76.