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Sustainable utilization of cultural heritage resources for socio-economic development purposes


"The objective of the current article is one particular aspect of socioeconomic utilization of cultural heritage resources for developing cultural tourism - namely - the sustainability aspect of this utilization. The aim of the research is to identify what are the main hindrances and opportunities in front of strategic planning so as to provide and guarantee for the sustainability of cultural resources utilization. To achieve this aim, the article will develop two theses and will analyze the link between them. The theses relate respectively to: 1) the hindrance - the lack of commonly agreed upon clarification of sustainability management of cultural resources definitions themselves within the cultural field and within the culture related institutions and organizations so as to nerve the needs of development planning institutions; 2) the opportunities of using the past best practices experienced by cultural management institutions and organizations for training and dissemination of skills and knowledge supporting advocacy and raising the awareness about the finally agreed upon definitions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Tubadji, A. (2008): Sustainable utilization of cultural heritage resources for socio-economic development purposes. What has to be done by institutions and organizations? In: S. Kagan & V. Kirchberg (Hrsg.) (2008): Sustainability : a new frontier for the arts and cultures (Higher education for sustainability, 03), p. 461-496.