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Education and the welfare state


"In this study we document how education and social policy are interconnected and contribute to developing standards for social reporting in this area. We compare two possible definitions of educational poverty, one based on years of schooling or degree attained, the other based on competences. A brief international comparison will address the distribution of competences: four worlds of competence production will be outlined, drawing on two analytical dimensions, the extent of differentiation and the absolute level of competences. Finally, we will offer an outlook an educational politics after PISA 2000 in Germany that should be of interest for the discussion in other member states. (In the Addendum we document the intra-German leagues of competence production related to the international landscape.)" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Allmendinger, J. & Leibfried, S. (2003): Education and the welfare state. The four worlds of competence production. In: Journal of European social policy, Vol. 13, No. 1, p. 63-81. DOI:10.1177/0958928703013001047