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Mehr Stabilität und soziale Sicherheit - Stellung der Leiharbeitnehmer verbessern


"In this statement, the IAB comments on two draft laws on temporary employment. The Federal Government's draft law aims at preventing misuse and implementing the temporary work guidelines issued by the European Parliament and Council. The draft law by the Left (Die Linke) parliamentary group envisions a strict regulation of temporary employment. The IAB furthermore comments on a petition filed by the Christian Democrat (CDU/CSU) und Liberal (FDP) parliamentary groups on the introduction of a lower wage boundary.<br> From the IAB's point of view, the Federal Government's propositions are intended to contribute to a functionally adequate application and an improved reputation of temporary employment. The introduction of lower wage boundaries would enhance the status of the temporarily employed. Further approaches at improving the employment situation of temporary workers are found primarily in the areas of equal pay and equal treatment. Concerning equal pay, the IAB proposes as an alternative to the status quo a stage model. A stepwise adjustment of wages would reduce considerably the incentive for temporary work agencies to exchange, respectively lay off, their employees at the point of wage adjustment. Thereby, not only would temporary employees' status be enhanced over time, but also, the incentive would be reduced for leaseholders to employ temporary workers on a long-term basis instead of regular employees. Furthermore, access to the labour market for the unemployed would not become severely more complicated.<br> Taken all together, the propositions by the parliamentary group of Die Linke go too far in the IAB's opinion, as the temporary work sector would again become relatively strictly regulated. Particular propositions such as the re-introduction of the 'prohibition of synchronisation' can indeed, regarded in isolation, enhance the stability of employment relationships in temporary work. However, such measures would possibly be evaded by companies. Furthermore, it should be considered again that access to the labour market should not become even more complicated for the unemployed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Jahn, E., Lehmer, F., Möller, J., Promberger, M., Walwei, U. & Ziegler, K. (2011): Mehr Stabilität und soziale Sicherheit - Stellung der Leiharbeitnehmer verbessern. Öffentliche Anhörung von Sachverständigen vor dem Ausschuss für Arbeit und Soziales des Deutschen Bundestags am 21. März 2011. (IAB-Stellungnahme 03/2011), Nürnberg, 17 p.


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