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(Arbeitsmarkt-)Integration von Flüchtlingen und Migranten im SGB II

Project duration: 28.02.2017 to 30.01.2018


The increased inflow of refugees to Germany since the summer of 2015 will have implications for the future composition of basic income support recipients. After being recognised as refugees and asylum seekers, they are able to apply for unemployment benefits II. Approx. 650,000 asylum seekers from Non-European sending countries (particularly from Syria) received basic income support in November 2016.
Referring large parts of these new-comers – of whose labour-market-relevance only little is known – into gainful employment will be one of the major challenges facing the basic income support system. The analysis aims to provide policy relevant information on labour market factors and activities of this group. Among sociodemographic information on this special group we survey its job search strategies, its experiences with the job centres, and its obstacles for placement like lacking formal qualifications or language skills.
By the end of 2017 first cross sectional analyses are planned, by 2020 longitudinal analyses of the integration into the labour market will follow.
The 2016 wave of the panel study “Labour market and social security” were about 500 Iraqi or Syrian households were sampled additionally constitutes the database for our Analysis.


28.02.2017 - 30.01.2018
28.02.2017 - 30.01.2018
28.02.2017 - 30.01.2018