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Labeled unemployed: How neighborhood unemployment affects the individual s stigma-consciousness

Project duration: 31.12.2023 to 30.12.2028


Unemployment and stigmatization due to unemployment are highly relevant and investigated topics. In contrast, there is less research onthe stigma-consciousness of the unemployed. In this article, we investigate the explanation of stigma-consciousness among the unemployed. We first examine possible regional variation. Finally, we derive hypotheses from the labeling approach to test the effect of informal societal control using grid cell neighborhood data. First results show a regional variation of stigma-consciousness between administrative districts. Moreover, we find first support for the hypothesized positive effect of the regional strength of prejudices against the unemployed but contradicting results for the moderating effect of the variability of prejudices within the same district.


31.12.2023 - 30.12.2028


Sebastian Lang
31.12.2023 - 30.12.2028