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Fixed-term contracts and subjective job insecurity - gender differences in the context of the labor market and household

Project duration: 31.12.2018 to 30.12.2021


The project examines whether men or women are more concerned about job security when they are on temporary contracts. On the one hand, research shows that women are often involved in the labor market as additional earners in a family context. This could mean that they are less unsettled by temporary employment and are safeguarded by their partner. On the other hand, women are more represented in less secure industries and have lower professional positions on average than men. This gender inequality on the labor market should adversely affect women with regard to the perceived insecurity. Initial results based on the Socio-Economic Panel show that a fixed-term contract significantly increases the likelihood of major job worries compared to an open-ended contract. Across all types of households, women seem to be far more unsettled by temporary contracts than men. The project in cooperation with the Research Area Unemployment and Participation and the Berlin Science Center provides initial insights into how temporary employment and gender inequalities are related in the labor market and can thus make an important contribution to gender equality in the labor market.


Nils-Christian Teichler
31.12.2018 - 30.12.2021