Urban labor markets provide agglomeration advantages to workers and firms. However, the distributional consequences are not fully understood. Agglomeration benefits are unevenly shared among low- and high-skilled workers. At the same time, many large urban labor markets around the world have experienced strongly rising housing costs in recent decades, especially for renters and young first-time homebuyers, putting these groups at risk of being priced out of the local labor market. The workshop aims to bring together junior and senior researchers working on these and related issues and welcomes both empirical and theoretical contributions. The list of topic includes, but is not limited to
- Distributional consequences of agglomeration benefits
- Labor market outcomes and housing affordability
- Highly-local income inequality
- Spatial extent of local labor markets and commuting patterns
- Neighborhood effects and segregation
- Interactions between local housing and labor markets
23.11.2023 - 24.11.2023
Gabriel Ahlfeldt, London School of Economics and Political Science
Scientific committee
- Wolfgang Dauth, IAB Nürnberg and University of Bamberg
- Maximilian von Ehrlich, University of Bern
- Sebastian Findeisen, University of Konstanz
- Ines Helm, LMU Munich
- Elke Jahn, IAB Nürnberg and University of Bayreuth
- Andreas Mense, IAB Nürnberg
- Michael Pflüger, University of Würzburg
There will be 15 presentations and one keynote presentation on two days. There is no conference fee for presenters. Presenters are invited to the conference dinner on November 23, and to lunches and coffee breaks during the workshop.
We can offer travel assistance covering hotel accommodation for two nights in the conference hotel (Ramada Hotel Nürnberg) and travel costs to a limited number of participants. Please indicate in your submission whether travel assistance is a requirement for your participation. Priority is given according to need and quality of the submission.
E-Mail: urban_labor@iab.de