This workshop is planed by the Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST) and The Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (IFAU). It will be expected to have around 10 presentations and poster session. We invite submissions on program evaluation of policy issues related to the labor market. Papers including innovative approaches or methodological contributions are particularly welcome.
Specific Topics
- Policies towards the unemployment (UI, training, activation policies)
- Lobor market policy effects on inequality (in wages, occupations, job tasks, etc.)
- Policies to integrate migrants into the labor market
- Policies aiming at curbing discrimination on the labor market / or gender norms
- Relationships between labor market policies and health
- Labor policies for firms
- Innovative methods for policy evaluation
- Machine learning in policy design and in policy evaluation
12.6.2025 - 13.6.2025
Paris, Palaiseau
Keynote speakers
Stephane Bonhomme, University of Chicago
Scientific committee
- Jonas Cederlöf, IFAU
- Gerard J. van den Berg, IFAU, U Groningen
- Xavier D’Haultfoeuille, CREST, GENES
- Sara, Signorelli, CREST, Ecole polytechnique
- Arne Uhlendorff, CREST, CNRS
- Ingeborg Waernbaum, IFAU, Uppsala University
The scientific committee welcomes fiull papers (preferred) or extended abstracts (minimum of three pages) in pdf Format for consideration.
- Submission Deadline: March 10, 2025
- Notification of Acceptance: March 31, 2025
- email Submissions to:
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Homepage CREST