Research Management – Legal Affairs
Contact Persons for Data Protection have the responsibility of consulting the Directorate in terms of compliance with the provisions of data protection law and act as informed and sensitized contact persons for clients and IAB employees.
Data protection in the scientific research of the IAB
What is the legal basis for processing and using data in the IAB?
- EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- SGB I (Book One of the German Social Code)
- SGB II (Book Two of the German Social Code)
- SGB III (Book Three of the German Social Code)
- SGB X (Book Ten of the German Social Code)
- BDSG (Federal Data Protection Act)
With which data is the IAB allowed to conduct research?
- Business data of the BA (Section 282 V SGB III)
- Employee data from the notification procedures (Section 282 VI SGB III)
- Data from basic security benefits for job seekers (Section 51 b SGB II)
- Data from own surveys (Section 282 V SGB III)
What is the IAB allowed to do with the data?
- Use them for purposes of labour market and employment research.
- Transmission to third parties only under very strict conditions.
What duties does the IAB have to maintain data protection?
- Purpose limitation: use of the available data solely for research projects of the IAB.
- Data minimisation: restriction of the data to the minimum necessary to achieve the purpose of the research. Dimensions: quantity of cases, scope of characteristics and depth of manifestations.
- Necessity principle: use of only the data which is absolutely necessary to achieve the research purpose if they are available and the research question can be answered on the basis of them.
- Obligation of pseudonymization as soon as the research purpose allows this.
- Obligation to provide information (Article13, 14 GDPR).
How are the responsibilities for compliance with data protection in the IAB distributed?
- Compliance with data protection under the researchers' as well as their superiors' own responsibility.
- Design of structures and processes under the department's own responsibility to ensure data protection and data security.
The Data Protection Officer for the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit, BA)
Do you have any questions regarding data protection in the BA? Please contact our Data Protection Officer Mr Marc Rompf at:
Bundesagentur für Arbeit
Stabstelle Datenschutz
Regensburger Straße 104
90478 Nuremberg, Germany
or via the following contact form.
legal counsel
legal counsel