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Kennungsbild für das European Labour Market Barometer

Europe’s labour markets remain stable

The European Labour Market Barometer stands at 100.5 points and is consolidating in positive terrain.

Following a decline in May, the European Labour Market Barometer has recovered somewhat and is back in slightly positive territory in June at 100.1 points. The employment component of the labour market leading indicator of the European Network of Public Employment Services and the IAB achieved a value of 101.3 points - as in the previous month. This means that the employment outlook for the European labour market remains moderately positive. The outlook for expected unemployment improved slightly, but remains in negative territory at 98.9 points. "The European Employment Services see stable development of their labour markets. But nothing more at the moment," explains Enzo Weber, IAB head of forecast. Expectations in Eastern Europe are above average.

European Labour Market Barometer