Dr. Ramona Jost
Functions at the IAB
ongoing Projects
- Employment in the gig economy
- Worker Mobility and Labor Market Monopsony
- Displacement and long-term effects on commuting behavior of workers in Germany: A linked employer-employee analysis
- Vocational training programs and its effects on commuting
finished Projects
- How many gaps are there? Investigating the regional dimension of the gender commuting gap
- Training programs and their effects on commuting
- Analyse der Auspendler in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- Persistence of commuting habits: context effects in Germany
- 11th Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Workshop "Perspectives on (Un-)Employment"
Gig-work in the German delivery-services sector: Employment has increased significantly in recent years
Friedrich, M., Jost, R., Lang, J. & Müller, C. (2024): Gig-work in the German delivery-services sector: Employment has increased significantly in recent years. In: IAB-Forum No. 08.07.2024. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.202407.01
IAB-Politikbrief April 2024
Bossler, M., Börschlein, E., Braun, W., Fitzenberger, B., Fuchs, M., Jost, R., Kunaschk, M., Osiander, C., Popp, M., Schmidtke, J., Stephan, G., Trappmann, M., Wanger, S., Weber, E. & Weyh, A. (2024): IAB-Politikbrief April 2024. (IAB-Politikbrief), Nürnberg, 7 p. DOI:10.48720/IAB.PB.2401
Gig-Work bei Lieferdiensten in Deutschland: Beschäftigung hat in den letzten Jahren stark zugenommen
Friedrich, M., Helm, I., Jost, R., Lang, J. & Müller, C. (2024): Gig-Work bei Lieferdiensten in Deutschland: Beschäftigung hat in den letzten Jahren stark zugenommen. In: IAB-Forum No. 03.04.2024. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20240403.01
How many gaps are there? Investigating the regional dimension of the gender commuting gap
Fuchs, M., Jost, R. & Weyh, A. (2024): How many gaps are there? Investigating the regional dimension of the gender commuting gap. In: Papers in Regional Science. DOI:10.1016/j.pirs.2024.100005
Spatial mobility of workers in Germany: Women commute for a shorter time than men
Fuchs, M., Jost, R. & Weyh, A. (2024): Räumliche Mobilität der Beschäftigten in Deutschland: Frauen pendeln kürzer als Männer. (IAB-Kurzbericht 04/2024), Nürnberg, 8 p. DOI:10.48720/IAB.KB.2404
Being a long distance out-commuter or home employee in a rather peripheral region evidence of a German federal state
Brunow, S. & Jost, R. (2023): Being a long distance out-commuter or home employee in a rather peripheral region evidence of a German federal state. In: Review of regional research, Vol. 43, No. 2, p. 317-342. DOI:10.1007/s10037-023-00194-5
Persistence of commuting habits: context effects in Germany
Jost, R. (2024): Persistence of commuting habits: context effects in Germany. In: The Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 72, No. 3, p. 837-862., accepted on May 03, 2023. DOI:10.1007/s00168-023-01223-4
Beyond Lost Earnings: The Long-Term Impact of Job Displacement on Workers’ Commuting Behavior
Duan, Y., Jost, O. & Jost, R. (2022): Beyond Lost Earnings: The Long-Term Impact of Job Displacement on Workers’ Commuting Behavior. (IAB-Discussion Paper 15/2022), Nürnberg, 63 p. DOI:10.48720/IAB.DP.2215
Die betriebliche Weiterbildung ist in der Corona-Krise massiv eingebrochen (Serie "Corona-Krise: Folgen für den Arbeitsmarkt")
Jost, R. & Leber, U. (2021): Die betriebliche Weiterbildung ist in der Corona-Krise massiv eingebrochen (Serie "Corona-Krise: Folgen für den Arbeitsmarkt"). In: IAB-Forum No. 10.12.2021 Nürnberg.
Persistence of commuting habits: Context effects in Germany
Jost, R. (2020): Persistence of commuting habits: Context effects in Germany. (IAB-Discussion Paper 14/2020), Nürnberg, 39 p.