Functions at the IAB
Professional background
Elena Höpfner has been working as a researcher at the IAB's Joblessness and Social Inclusion research department since October 2020. From 2019 to 2020, she worked as a researcher at the Department of Sociology of Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg, and from 2016 to 2017 at Freie Universität Berlin in the Qualitative Social and Education Research division. She completed her Master's degree in Sociology - European Societies at Freie Universität Berlin. In 2018, Elena Höpfner received the award for outstanding Master's theses of the German Sociological Association (DGS) for her Master's thesis with the title "Menschen auf der Flucht und die Bedeutung ihrer Dinge: Eine gegenstandsbezogene Theoriebildung im doppelten Sinne". Her core areas of research are material culture, (forced) migration, gender, (un)employment and integration. She has currently been researching the practices of activating parents of young children under the age of 3 in SGB II as part of an implementation study and has been doing her PhD at the Department of Social Sciences of TU Dortmund University.
ongoing Projects
finished Projects
Making work acceptable and mothers available. Re-classification of welfare clients with small children under three years in German Jobcenters
Höpfner, E. (2025): Wie Mütter für den Arbeitsmarkt verfügbar gemacht werden sollen. Vorgaben zur frühzeitigen Aktivierung von Erziehenden kleiner Kinder unter drei Jahren in der Grundsicherung. In: Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 63-86. DOI:10.1515/zsr-2024-0024
The Elephant in the Room-Recording Devices and Trust in Narrative Interviewing
Höpfner, E. & Promberger, M. (2023): The Elephant in the Room-Recording Devices and Trust in Narrative Interviewing. In: International Journal of Qualitative Methods, Vol. 22. DOI:10.1177/16094069231215189
Why should(n't) refugees be asked about their possessions?
Höpfner, E. (2022): Why should(n't) refugees be asked about their possessions? Methodological strengths, challenges and pitfalls in the application of object-based interviews in forced migration research. In: F. Yi-Neumann, A. Lauser, A. Fuhse & P. J. Bräunlein (Hrsg.) (2022): Material Culture and (Forced) Migration, p. 84-98.
Die Bedeutung der Dinge auf der Flucht
Höpfner, E. (2019): Die Bedeutung der Dinge auf der Flucht. In: Soziologie, Vol. 48, No. 2 Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main, p. 205-212.
Menschen auf der Flucht und die Bedeutung ihrer Dinge
Höpfner, E. (2018): Menschen auf der Flucht und die Bedeutung ihrer Dinge. Eine gegenstandsbezogene Theoriebildung im doppelten Sinne. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, viii, 116 p. : Illustrationen. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-20757-1
Why should(n’t) refugees be asked about their possessions? A research-ethical and methodological reflection on my fieldwork in a refugee shelter
Höpfner, E. (2022): Why should(n’t) refugees be asked about their possessions? A research-ethical and methodological reflection on my fieldwork in a refugee shelter. In: F. Yi-Neumann, A. Lauser, A. Fuhse & P. J. Bräunlein (Hrsg.) (2022): Material Culture and (Forced) Migration, London, UCL Press p. 84-98.