Dr. Georg-Christoph Haas
Functions at the IAB
ongoing Projects
finished Projects
Dokumentation und Codebuch für das Hochfrequente Online Personen Panel "Leben und Erwerbstätigkeit in Zeiten von Corona" (IAB-HOPP, Welle 1–9)
Volkert, M., Haas, G., Zins, S., Altschul, S., Bellmann, L., Dummert, S., Haensch, A., Hensgen, S., Heusler, A., Ludsteck, J., Müller, B., Müller, D., Osiander, C., Schmidtke, J., Stephan, G., Trahms, A. & Wayment, H. (2024): Dokumentation und Codebuch für das Hochfrequente Online Personen Panel "Leben und Erwerbstätigkeit in Zeiten von Corona" (IAB-HOPP, Welle 1–9). (FDZ-Datenreport 01/2024 (de)), Nürnberg, 39 p. DOI:10.5164/IAB.FDZD.2401.de.v1
The IAB-SMART-Mobility Module: An Innovative Research Dataset with Mobility Indicators Based on Raw Geodata
Zimmermann, F., Filser, A., Haas, G. & Bähr, S. (2024): The IAB-SMART-Mobility Module: An Innovative Research Dataset with Mobility Indicators Based on Raw Geodata. In: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, Vol. 244, No. 5-6, p. 685-698. DOI:10.1515/jbnst-2023-0051
Why using Google's reCAPTCHA to protect your survey against bots is a bad idea
Haas, G. (2023): Why using Google's reCAPTCHA to protect your survey against bots is a bad idea. In: Medium : Human Stories & Ideas No. 01.03.2023.
Effects of prepaid postage stamps and postcards incentives in a web survey experiment
Haas, G., Volkert, M. & Senghaas, M. (2023): Effects of prepaid postage stamps and postcards incentives in a web survey experiment. In: Field Methods, Vol. 35, No. 3, p. 253-270. DOI:10.1177/1525822X221132401
Augmenting survey data with digital trace data: Is there a threat to panel retention?
Trappmann, M., Haas, G., Malich, S., Keusch, F., Bähr, S., Kreuter, F. & Schwarz, S. (2023): Augmenting survey data with digital trace data: Is there a threat to panel retention? In: Journal of survey statistics and methodology, Vol. 11, No. 3, p. 541-552. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smac023
Dokumentation und Codebuch für das Hochfrequente Online Personen Panel "Leben und Erwerbstätigkeit in Zeiten von Corona" (IAB-HOPP, Welle 1-8)
Volkert, M., Haas, G., Zins, S., Bellmann, L., Dummert, S., Haensch, A., Hensgen, S., Ludsteck, J., Müller, B., Müller, D., Osiander, C., Schmidtke, J., Stephan, G., Trahms, A. & Wayment, H. (2022): Dokumentation und Codebuch für das Hochfrequente Online Personen Panel "Leben und Erwerbstätigkeit in Zeiten von Corona" (IAB-HOPP, Welle 1-8). (FDZ-Datenreport 04/2022 (de)), Nürnberg, 39 p. DOI:10.5164/IAB.FDZD.2204.de.v1
Non-participation in smartphone data collection using research apps
Keusch, F., Bähr, S., Haas, G., Kreuter, F., Trappmann, M. & Eckman, S. (2022): Non-participation in smartphone data collection using research apps. In: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, Statistics in Society, Vol. 185, No. Suppl. 2, p. S225-S245. DOI:10.1111/rssa.12827
Comparing the Response Burden between Paper and Web Modes in Establishment Surveys
Haas, G., Eckman, S. & Bach, R. (2021): Comparing the Response Burden between Paper and Web Modes in Establishment Surveys. In: Journal of Official Statistics, Vol. 37, No. 4, p. 907-930. DOI:10.2478/jos-2021-0039
Working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic: usage, barriers, and wishes for the future (Series "Covid-19 crisis: consequences for the labour market")
Frodermann, C., Grunau, P., Müller, D. & Haas, G. (2021): Working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic: usage, barriers, and wishes for the future (Series "Covid-19 crisis: consequences for the labour market"). In: IAB-Forum No. 30.07.2021, o. Sz.
Mobile Datenerhebung in einem Panel. Die IAB-SMART-Studie
Malich, S., Keusch, F., Bähr, S., Haas, G., Kreuter, F. & Trappmann, M. (2021): Mobile Datenerhebung in einem Panel. Die IAB-SMART-Studie. In: T. Wolbring, H. Leitgöb & F. Faulbaum (Hrsg.) (2021): Sozialwissenschaftliche Datenerhebung im digitalen Zeitalter, p. 45-69. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-34396-5_2
Dokumentation und Codebuch für das Hochfrequente Online Personen Panel "Leben und Erwerbstätigkeit in Zeiten von Corona" (IAB-HOPP, Welle 1-7)
Volkert, M., Haas, G., Zins, S., Bellmann, L., Dummert, S., Hensgen, S., Müller, B., Müller, D., Ludsteck, J., Osiander, C., Schmidtke, J., Stephan, G. & Trahms, A. (2021): Dokumentation und Codebuch für das Hochfrequente Online Personen Panel "Leben und Erwerbstätigkeit in Zeiten von Corona" (IAB-HOPP, Welle 1-7). (FDZ-Datenreport 04/2021 (de)), Nürnberg, 38 p. DOI:10.5164/IAB.FDZD.2104.de.v1
Development of a new COVID-19 panel survey: the IAB high-frequency online personal panel (HOPP)
Haas, G., Müller, B., Osiander, C., Schmidtke, J., Trahms, A., Volkert, M. & Zins, S. (2021): Development of a new COVID-19 panel survey: the IAB high-frequency online personal panel (HOPP). In: Journal for labour market research, Vol. 55. DOI:10.1186/s12651-021-00295-z
Homeoffice in der Corona-Krise: Vorbehalte haben abgenommen (Serie "Corona-Krise: Folgen für den Arbeitsmarkt")
Grunau, P. & Haas, G. (2021): Homeoffice in der Corona-Krise: Vorbehalte haben abgenommen (Serie "Corona-Krise: Folgen für den Arbeitsmarkt"). In: IAB-Forum No. 14.06.2021, o. Sz.
Working from home in times of the Covid-19 pandemic: Extent, challenges and potentials for the future
Frodermann, C., Grunau, P., Haas, G. & Müller, D. (2021): Homeoffice in Zeiten von Corona: Nutzung, Hindernisse und Zukunftswünsche. (IAB-Kurzbericht 05/2021), Nürnberg, 11 p.
Using Geofences to Collect Survey Data: Lessons Learned From the IAB-SMART Study
Bähr, S., Haas, G., Kreuter, F., Trappmann, M. & Keusch, F. (2020): Using Geofences to Collect Survey Data: Lessons Learned From the IAB-SMART Study. In: Survey Methods: Insights from the Field, p. 1-12. DOI:10.13094/SMIF-2020-00023
Effects of incentives in smartphone data collection
Haas, G., Kreuter, F., Keusch, F., Trappmann, M. & Bähr, S. (2020): Effects of incentives in smartphone data collection. In: C.A. Hill, P.P. Biemer, T. Buskirk, L. Japec, A. Kirchner, S. Kolenikov & L.E. Lyberg (Eds.) (2020): Big Data Meets Survey Science, p. 387-414. DOI:10.1002/9781118976357.ch13
Missing Data and Other Measurement Quality Issues in Mobile Geolocation Sensor Data
Bähr, S., Haas, G., Keusch, F., Kreuter, F. & Trappmann, M. (2022): Missing Data and Other Measurement Quality Issues in Mobile Geolocation Sensor Data. In: Social science computer review, Vol. 40, No. 1, p. 212-235. DOI:10.1177/0894439320944118
Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Labor Market Surveys at the German Institute for Employment Research
Sakshaug, J., Beste, J., Coban, M., Fendel, T., Haas, G., Hülle, S., Kosyakova, Y., König, C., Kreuter, F., Küfner, B., Müller, B., Osiander, C., Schwanhäuser, S., Stephan, G., Vallizadeh, E., Volkert, M., Wenzig, C., Westermeier, C., Zabel, C. & Zins, S. (2020): Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Labor Market Surveys at the German Institute for Employment Research. In: Survey research methods, Vol. 14, No. 2, p. 229-233. DOI:10.18148/srm/2020.v14i2.7743
Coverage error in data collection combining mobile surveys with passive measurement using apps
Keusch, F., Bähr, S., Haas, G., Kreuter, F. & Trappmann, M. (2023): Coverage error in data collection combining mobile surveys with passive measurement using apps. Data from a German national survey. In: Sociological methods & research, Vol. 52, No. 2, p. 841-878. DOI:10.1177/0049124120914924
Collecting survey and smartphone sensor data with an app: opportunities and challenges around privacy and informed consent
Kreuter, F., Haas, G., Keusch, F., Bähr, S. & Trappmann, M. (2020): Collecting survey and smartphone sensor data with an app: opportunities and challenges around privacy and informed consent. In: Social science computer review, Vol. 38, No. 5, p. 533-549. DOI:10.1177/0894439318816389
IAB-SMART-Studie: Mit dem Smartphone den Arbeitsmarkt erforschen
Bähr, S., Haas, G., Keusch, F., Kreuter, F. & Trappmann, M. (2018): IAB-SMART-Studie: Mit dem Smartphone den Arbeitsmarkt erforschen. In: IAB-Forum No. 09.01.2018, o. Sz.
Does granting linkage consent in the beginning of the questionnaire affect data quality?
Eckman, S. & Haas, G. (2017): Does granting linkage consent in the beginning of the questionnaire affect data quality? In: Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, Vol. 5, No. 4, p. 535-551. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smx016