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Pretty young Muslim woman with headscarf at job interview

Immigrants’ recruitment chances in the German labor market

The employment prospects of applicants born abroad and members of religious minorities are analyzed.

Members of certain minority groups are disadvantaged in different areas of society, such as the labor and housing market and the healthcare system. This is referred to as discrimination if people are disadvantaged solely based on their group membership (e.g., ethnic background or religious affiliation), even though the objective matching criteria are equal, e.g., regarding qualifications. In this research report, we analyze the recruitment chances of immigrants and members of religious minorities using a vignette experiment.

IAB-Forschungsbericht 6/2025: Immigrants’ recruitment chances in the German labor market: Evidence from large-scale survey experiments

Interview with the authors in IAB-Forum: Studie zeigt: Muslimische Bewerberinnen und Bewerber haben auf dem Arbeitsmarkt geringere ChancenOpens in a new window