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Urban Childcare and Holiday Activities in and around Nuremberg


Agentur für Familie und Beruf (Agency for Family and Job)

The first point of contact regarding the compatibility of family and job for families in Nuremberg is the Agentur für Familie und Beruf.

Childcare facilities

  • Please visit the portal of the Nuremberg daycare centres at to find out more about crèches, pre-school playgroups, and after-school care centres in Nuremberg as well as places being or becoming available.
  • If you need a quick overview of the childcare facilities in your own neighbourhood or close to your place of work, you can check out the Kita-Portal Nürnberg (Nuremberg crèche portal). Most facilities offer an online enrolment process.
  • The Tagespflegebörse Nürnberg (Nuremberg daycare exchange) provides free consulting and information on all things daycare. 

Holiday activities for children and young adults

  • The city of Nuremberg offers a wide range of holiday activities for children young and old.
  • The Jugendinformation Nürnberg (Youth Information Service Nuremberg) provides information about trips for children and young adults.

Looking for childcare on short notice?

Känguru is an initiative under the umbrella of the Erlangen-based “Bündnis für Familie” (“Family Alliance”) that offers childcare with qualified staff on short notice. The Känguru hotline is available at +1 (0)160 90 23 04 85 Monday through Friday from 7:00 to 9:00 am and between 6:00 and 7:00 pm Monday through Thursday as well as on Sundays from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. The childcare offer is valid for the city of Erlangen, the Erlangen-Höchstadt district, Forchheim and environs, and Nuremberg. The offer is subsidised for families in the Erlangen city area.

Greater Nuremberg area

Childcare facilities

Holiday activities for children and young adults