Delimiting the terms shortage of workers, shortage of skilled workers and bottlenecks in skilled workers, and the possible in-house strategies of dealing with these
The terms 'shortage of skilled workers' and 'bottlenecks in skilled workers' are differentiated from one another on the basis of theoretical considerations and on the basic of findings from the IAB Establishment Panel. The author argues that it has up to now been a case of regional or qualification-specific bottlenecks in skilled workers rather than a widespread shortage of skilled workers. What we see in only some professions is that the number of persons without work is lower than the number of open jobs; at least up to now, most vacant jobs have been filled successfully. As the results of the IAB survey show, what employers expect of applicants is steadily increasing. If the supply of labour becomes more limited, then the probability of recruitment problems will increase. The author questions the recruitment behaviour of the establishments and illustrates in-house strategies for gaining skilled workers, especially positioning oneself as an attractive employer. (IAB)
Cite article
Kettner, A. (2011): Zur Abgrenzung der Begriffe Arbeitskräftemangel, Fachkräftemangel und Fachkräfteengpässe und zu möglichen betrieblichen Gegenstrategien. Nürnberg, 8 p.