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Role of public services in integrating refugees and asylum seekers


"This study explores the role of public services in the social integration of refugees and asylum seekers. It focuses not only on employment, but also on aspects such as housing, social inclusion, health and education services. It examines a range of integration measures adopted in five EU Member States (Austria, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden) in an attempt to identify the main challenges and the lessons learnt. The countries selected vary in terms of the scale of the inflow, tradition of receiving refugees, labour market conditions, social assistance systems and presence of other migrant groups." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Bešić, A., Fóti, K., Vasileva, V., Nierop, P., Puts, E., Rose, N., Ulcica, I., Vajai, D. & Konle-Seidl, R. (2019): Role of public services in integrating refugees and asylum seekers. (Eurofound research report / European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions), Luxembourg, 58 p. DOI:10.2806/595692