Living conditions and societal participation of young sanctioned welfare recipients
"In Germany sanctions in the Social Code II imply that recipients may have to live below the socio-cultural subsistence level for a period of three months, in general. Those unemployed below the age of 25 are subjected to harsher sanctions than their older counterparts. Biographical narrative interviews with young welfare recipients show that their opportunities for societal participation are further restricted through sanctions. Food stamps that ought to attenuate hardship only safeguard the physical subsistence level and are considered as degrading. Young people who do not live with their parents can soon be confronted by energy supplies being cut off or their accommodation being taken away from them. Furthermore there is the risk accumulating debts. Sanctions do not only affect the person concerned, but also those close to them. A temporary severance of contact with the job center, increased feelings of existential fear or paralyzing overstrain can result from sanctions. Thus, the actually intended activation of young unemployed may be hindered." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Cite article
Schreyer, F., Zahradnik, F. & Götz, S. (2012): Lebensbedingungen und Teilhabe von jungen sanktionierten Arbeitslosen im SGB II. In: Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 61, No. 9, p. 213-220. DOI:10.3790/sfo.61.9.213