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Receiving old-age pension and still working? Retirees return to work largely for social reasons, but money matters, too


"Transitioning into retirement does not necessarily entail giving up paid work. In Germany, more than one quarter of all old-age pensioners who started receiving benefits within the last three years are still working. This report identifies employment patterns, individual determinants and personal reasons of survey respondents who transitioned into retirement and either continue to work or have the desire to return to work. Most retirees state personal or social reasons for their continued employment. However, a substantial percentage of respondents returns to work for monetary reasons. In particular, female retirees state more often than males that they need the additional income from employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Anger, S., Trahms, A. & Westermeier, C. (2018): Erwerbstätigkeit nach dem Übergang in Altersrente: Soziale Motive überwiegen, aber auch Geld ist wichtig. (IAB-Kurzbericht 24/2018), Nürnberg, 12 p.


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