The pattern of in-house use of working time accounts during the great recession
"With the help of the WSI survey of works council members of 2009 and 2010, this article examines patterns in the use of working time accounts at enterprise-level during the great recession. Overall, three different patterns of how working time accounts are used in individual establishments are identified; these differ according to point of time and duration of reduction of credit hours or of the increasing of debit hours. The largest group, the 'long-term users', reduced credit hours during and after the great recession. The 'early short-term users' only used working time accounts for the period during the great recession itself. The third group, the 'late users', did not reduce credit hours on their working time accounts until the economic recovery phase had begun. In addition, it is shown that there were differences between these three groups of users in relation to level of trade union organisation, the development of the order books and turnover as well as partially to affiliation to certain economic sectors. No or only minor differences were observed with regard to the size of enterprise or whether it belonged to the western or eastern part of Germany." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
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Zapf, I. & Herzog-Stein, A. (2011): Betriebliche Einsatzmuster von Arbeitszeitkonten während der Großen Rezession. In: WSI-Mitteilungen, Vol. 64, No. 2, p. 60-68. DOI:10.5771/0342-300X-2011-2-60