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Europeanisation of science : Effects of EU research funding on the university career system in Germany


"Using EU research funding from the European Research Council (ERC) as an example, this article examines what effect transnational competition for academic capital (macro level) has on established structures in the field of academic research in Germany. To do this, the effects are observed on two levels of the German academic field, namely the meso level of the universities on the one hand and the micro level of individual researchers on the other." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku)

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Baier, C. & Massih-Tehrani, N. (2016): Europäisierung der Wissenschaft. Auswirkungen der EU-Forschungsförderung auf das universitäre Karrieresystem in Deutschland. In: N. Baur, C. Besio, M. Norkus & G. Petschick (Hrsg.) (2016): Wissen - Organisation - Forschungspraxis : Der Makro-Meso-Mikro-Link der Wissenschaft, p. 170-204.