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Migration, unemployment, and lifeworld


"Migration is an issue for many countries. It affects several areas of social problems, for example, work and unemployment. A relevant issue to study in the context of unemployment and social welfare is, 'Which are experiences of migrants with different language backgrounds in finding work and support?' For a running study with episodic interviews and mobile methods with migrants from the former Soviet Union to Germany, several issues are discussed in a 'new critical inquiry': Critical issues in the studied area (help, control, normative claims); applying (familiar) qualitative methods (interviewing in various languages and cultural backgrounds or mobile methods); triangulation in a new critical migration research." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Flick, U., Hans, B., Hirseland, A., Rasche, S. & Röhnsch, G. (2017): Migration, unemployment, and lifeworld. Challenges for a new critical qualitative inquiry in migration. In: Qualitative Inquiry, Vol. 23, No. 1, p. 77-88. DOI:10.1177/1077800416655828