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Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit und wiederholte Arbeitslosigkeit bei jungen Rehabilitanden: Beschäftigungsrisiken sind ungleich verteilt


Occupational rehabilitation covers a varied package of labour market policy measures aimed at supporting the integration of persons with special needs and health restrictions into paid employment. At the same time, persons undergoing rehabilitation in the area of initial integration are often affected by unemployment and also, in particular, by repeated unemployment. Long-term unemployment, on the other hand, seldom tends to ensue in this group and is also distributed in a different way. For instance, above all the type of main handicap and the time when it arose during the life course are relevant for the risk of becoming long-term unemployed. What is more, the risk that unemployment ensues in a repeated manner also appears to depend on the situation on regional labour market. (IAB) ((en))

Cite article

Beyersdorf, J. (2016): Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit und wiederholte Arbeitslosigkeit bei jungen Rehabilitanden: Beschäftigungsrisiken sind ungleich verteilt. In: IAB-Forum No. 1, p. 78-85. DOI:10.3278/IFO1601W078


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