Convergence or Mezzogiorno scenario? Some theoretical considerations on the empirical development of the labour market in Eastern Germany
"The first part of the paper analyses the developments on the labour market of eastern Germany (the area of the former GDR) that were characterized by decreasing employment and increasing income. Within eastern Germany regional disparities are revealed which are structured across relatively small areas. In some industrial centres the position is in fact still unfavourable, but the crisis is by no means as serious as in some peripheral regions and in various rural areas north of Berlin.<br> Starting from these results the paper examines the question of whether the neoclassical growth theory (in ist Solow-type version and in ist more recent variants of endogeous growth) supports hope of convergent development between the eastern and western parts of Germany and within the area of the former GDR." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
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Blien, U. (1994): Convergence or Mezzogiorno scenario? Some theoretical considerations on the empirical development of the labour market in Eastern Germany. In: Szkola Glowna Handlowa, Warszawa (Hrsg.) (1994): Transitions in the labour market (Papers for the sixth annual EALE conference, 08), p. 1-23.