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Folgt aus der Theorie des endogenen Wachstums eine neue Wirtschaftspolitik?


"Studies on endogenous growth have taken up the old unresolved problems of the neoclassical growth theory and suggested ways to eliminate inconsistencies of the older theories. Furthermore, they have demonstrated how the growth process can be explained based on an endogenous model. The theory of endogenous growth has called into question the agreement among economists on the idea that abandonment of national market interventions usually produces the best possible economic results. This paper aims to clarify the central determinants of economic growth processes on the basis of the theories of endogenous growth. Taking all this into consideration, the strategic possibilities of economic policy concerning the influence on economic growth will be presented and evaluated. This is done by taking account of the perceptions of theories of public economy and the results of diverse empirical analyses." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Farhauer, O. (2002): Folgt aus der Theorie des endogenen Wachstums eine neue Wirtschaftspolitik? Wirtschaftspolitische Relevanz und ihre empirische Bedeutung. (Technische Universität Berlin, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Dokumentation. Diskussionspapier 2002/03), Berlin, 32 p.