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Mobile and unbounded work : current results of a survey of establishments and employees


"The further development of mobile terminal devices and the spread of the broadband internet have caused digitalisation in the world of work to progress rapidly over the last years. Flexible forms of work are increasingly becoming more important and are being talked about more and more often in social debate. Two dimensions of this flexibility - the temporal and the spatial - are leading to a phenomenon that is often labelled 'dissolution of the boundaries of work'.<br> Up to now, little is known about the dissolution of the boundaries of work that is actually experienced or about its prerequisites, chances and risks. This Monitor summarises the results of a representative survey of companies and employees, the Linked Personnel Panel (LPP). It begins by examining the spread of the phenomenon of dissolution of boundaries for the temporal and spatial dimensions from the perspective of establishments and employees. After that, the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and risks of this form of flexibilisation are studied.<br> The Monitor is based on the study 'Quality of work and Economic Success (Arbeitsqualität und wirtschaftlicher Erfolg)' which is supported by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) and by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and implemented by IAB, by the Department for General Economics (ABWL) and Personnel Economics of the University of Cologne, and the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku)

Cite article

(2015): Mobiles und entgrenztes Arbeiten. Aktuelle Ergebnisse einer Betriebs- und Beschäftigtenbefragung. (Monitor), Berlin, 26 p.


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