On the evaluation of the active employment promotion in accordance with the Social Code III : monitoring and causal research in a state of flux
"In view of the continuing serious labour market imbalance, in the context of the reintegration section of the Federal Employment Services support funds on a scale of over DM 25 billion are spent year after year to facilitate the occupational integration of hard-to-place unemployed people. In addition to this there is further expenditure on active labour market policy at the federal level as well as on the part of the EU, the Länder and the local authorities. The expenditure which increased considerably especially in the course of the German reunification, but also further developments such as trends towards decentralisation within the labour administration and a generally clear increase in awareness about the necessity of evaluations have given new impulses for an increase in the evaluation of active employment promotion. The following paper goes into the background of the development and fundamental aspects of the evaluation system in the Federal Employment Services, which is being restructured. What is presented is a conceptual framework for monitoring and research in their reciprocal connections and in the overall context of the controlling activities which are being reinforced within the Federal Employment Services. The paper goes into the present state of evaluation research in the IAB and outside in more detail, but not into content-related findings concerning individual instruments - this would go beyond the scope of this paper. However, reference is made to relevant IAB projects also in order to make clear the broad spectrum of necessary research activities which are structured very differently in terms of methodology." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Cite article
Brinkmann, C. (2000): Zur Evaluation der aktiven Arbeitsförderung nach dem SGB III. Monitoring und Wirkungsforschung im Umbruch. In: Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Vol. 33, No. 3, p. 483-499.