Megatrends: Relevanz und Umsetzbarkeit in den BIBB-IAB-Qualifikations- und Berufsfeldprojektionen
"In the following, several megatrends are presented and discussed with regards to their relevance and feasibility as possible alternative scenarios of the BIBB-IAB qualification and occupational field projections (QuBe). Specifically, the article highlights a variety of trends and political objectives in the field of demography, economics and labour market/participation, as frequently discussed in politics and science. As the QuBe-project's basic projection is based on an extrapolation of presently already observable trends, a comparison of the results to possible alternative developments can expose the effects and mechanisms of such alternative scenarios on labour market outcomes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
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Helmrich, R., Hummel, M. & Neuber-Pohl, C. (eds.) (2015): Megatrends: Relevanz und Umsetzbarkeit in den BIBB-IAB-Qualifikations- und Berufsfeldprojektionen. (BIBB-IAB-Qualifikations- und Berufsfeldprojektionen), Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, 44 p.