Der Gründungszuschuss nach der Reform: Eine qualitative Implementationsstudie zur Umsetzung der Reform in den Agenturen
"In this study we present insights from the practical implementation of a reform of the start-up subsidy for unemployment insurance recipients (Gründungszuschuss). New rules of allocation came into force at the turn of the year 2011 to 2012. Looking at the number of entrants not only reveals a massive drop as a result of the reform. The composition of the recipients of the Gründungszuschuss has changed as well. We investigate the processes underlying these observations both on the side of the employment offices and on the side of the entrepreneurs. It turns out that the priority of job placement before any other measure of active labour market policy codified in § 4 SGB III is crucial. Not only is the priority of placement a formal cause for the rejection of claims, but a well-founded argument in negotiations between caseworkers and clients regarding whether or not to make a formal claim. This function of discouragement reveals as central. This leads to an increase in start-ups without subsidies from the employment agencies as a proportion of all start-ups by unemployment insurance recipients. If measured against two central aims of the reform - savings and reduction of free-riding - we can draw an ambivalent conclusion. The reform enables a more flexible and case-oriented allocation of the Gründungszuschuss, but budget restrictions and the priority of placement tend to counteract these tendencies. While savings have been achieved, adverse effects on the consistency of the allocation of the start-up subsidy over time and on the local level as well as on the attractiveness of the Gründungszuschuss from the perspective of the unemployment insurance recipients need to be noted." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
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Bernhard, S. & Grüttner, M. (2015): Der Gründungszuschuss nach der Reform: Eine qualitative Implementationsstudie zur Umsetzung der Reform in den Agenturen. (IAB-Forschungsbericht 04/2015), Nürnberg, 103 p.