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Survey misreporting of welfare receipt


"We use matched survey and administrative data to study interviewer and interview related determinants of misreporting on welfare receipt in interviews. In our data, 12.2 % of German welfare recipients underreport benefit receipt. We find that underreporting is more likely in formal and standardized interviews compared to those with a more conversational character. Further, low interviewer education and matched interviewer - respondent characteristics with respect to immigration and education are associated with higher reporting quality." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Bruckmeier, K., Müller, G. & Riphahn, R. (2015): Survey misreporting of welfare receipt. Respondent, interviewer, and interview characteristics. In: Economics Letters, Vol. 129, No. April, p. 103-107. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2015.02.006