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Labour income: German low-wage earners in European comparison


"In 2010, almost one in four employees earned less than two thirds of the median hourly wage in Germany, i.e. he/she was a low-wage earner. In European comparison, this share is rather high, which means that wage inequality in the lower half of the wage distribution is now more pronounced than in most other EU countries. This particularly affects female and part-time workers in Germany, but also employees with relatively 'favourable' characteristics. Furthermore, the report discusses possible causes for cross-national differences in wage inequality, as well as relations between inequality and the (un-)employment rate in a country." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Rhein, T. (2013): Erwerbseinkommen: Deutsche Geringverdiener im europäischen Vergleich. (IAB-Kurzbericht 15/2013), Nürnberg, 10 p.


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