Demografischer Wandel und der Arbeitsmarkt für Pflege in Deutschland
The increase in the birth deficit as well as the rise in life expectancy will have as a consequence that in absolute and in relative terms more elderly people will live in Germany. Against this background, I will provide model calculations for the labor market for long-term care until the year 2030. The number of long-term care patients may increase from currently 2.25 million to presumably 2.9 to 3.3 million patients in 2030. Along with this development professional long-term care will become more important, i.e. outpatient care as well as nursing homes. Consequently, significant employment effects in professional long-term care are expected. Overall, the number of professional employees could almost double from currently 576,000 (in full-time equivalents) to around 1 million employees in 2030.
Cite article
Pohl, C. (2011): Demografischer Wandel und der Arbeitsmarkt für Pflege in Deutschland. Modellrechnungen bis zum Jahr 2030. In: Pflege und Gesellschaft, Vol. 16, No. 1, p. 36-52.